Install Kestra in your preferred environment.



Start Kestra in a single Docker container.



Install Kestra in a Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart.

Kubernetes on AWS EKS with Amazon RDS and S3

Kubernetes on AWS EKS with Amazon RDS and S3

Deploy Kestra to AWS EKS with PostgreSQL RDS database and S3 internal storage backend.

Kubernetes on GCP GKE with CloudSQL and Cloud Storage

Kubernetes on GCP GKE with CloudSQL and Cloud Storage

Deploy Kestra to GCP GKE with CloudSQL as a database backend and Google Cloud Storage as internal storage backend.

Kubernetes on Azure AKS with Azure Database and Blob Storage

Kubernetes on Azure AKS with Azure Database and Blob Storage

Deploy Kestra to Azure AKS with Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers as a database backend and Blob Storage as internal storage backend.



Launch a Kestra instance on Restack.

AWS EC2 with Amazon RDS and S3

AWS EC2 with Amazon RDS and S3

Install Kestra on AWS EC2 with Postgres RDS database and S3 internal storage backend.

GCP VM with Cloud SQL and GCS

GCP VM with Cloud SQL and GCS

Install Kestra on a GCP VM with Cloud SQL Postgres database backend and Cloud Storage as internal storage backend.

Azure VM with Azure Database

Azure VM with Azure Database

Install Kestra on Azure VM with Azure Database as a database backend and Blob Storage as internal storage backend.

DigitalOcean Droplet with Managed Database

DigitalOcean Droplet with Managed Database

Install Kestra on DigitalOcean Droplet with DigitalOcean Database as a database backend.

Standalone Server

Standalone Server

Install Kestra on a standalone server with a simple executable file.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose

Start Kestra with a Postgres database backend using a Docker Compose file.

Podman Compose

Podman Compose

Start Kestra with a Postgres database backend using Podman Compose.

Kestra Cloud (Alpha)

Kestra Cloud (Alpha)

Sign up for a free Kestra Cloud account to get started.

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